December '09 and January '10 Feature Stories
Season's Greetings, Happy Holidays and a Great New Year to you and your's!
Music - Tearist are a duo from L.A. who have confused a few people on the genre front - art punk? exquisite dark wave? disco/noise? Who cares? Certainly not them ... Interview and podcast
Art - Fashion Julia and Ben are two relatively new faces on the fashion scene in Berlin and their combination of edginess and detail originality has already won them a lot of new friends. Images and text
Music - Worldtronics09 was a combination of low-key music-making and friendly trade fair. The idea was to have various performers from different countries including people presenting East-Asian Electropop. Images and text
Wetware - Christmas We update our Free Stuff page which we put up last Christmas and which covers everything from games to books, and other things in between. Report
Hardware/Software We have what's close to being our last word on the Nokia 770 internet tablet. Another software upgrade and a promising looking one to come. Report
Music Podcasts - A track from Tearist - Lo V, Hi V Podcasts
More Music - Monthly Video Picks This month's vid pick is ... a Christmas carol! Videos
Books - My New Mac, Semantic Web, Computation, Watchmen, White Stripes, Command Line ...Reviews
Music - Classical Baron K has a chat about Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, a child prodigy who went on to huge popularity in England and to become the founder of the Leipzig Conservatory. Commentary
Recent on Mstation: music: Vivian Girls, America's Cup, music: Too Young to Fall..., music: Pains of Being Pure At Heart, Berlin Lakes, music: Atarah Valentine, Travel - Copenhagen, House in the Desert
Site Stuff -
Interestingly, our ad revenue (which pays our server costs) is down along with everyone else's. We don't encourage you to click more but why not tell a friend about us? Thi
s is actually the way we've grown from near zero visitors when we started to something like 1/2 million hits a month now, and with 10,000 or so podcasts. Call it organic if you like. Have a super-great Christmas and New Year! (1 Dec 09)Mstation news, reviews, commentary
A No-Expences Spared Chalet
Gospel/Blues: Staple Singers etc Mixtape
Classical Recordings from the 60s
Carbon Fiber Art Surfboard
Copenhagen Climate Change Notes
Workspace Inspiration
Dark Matter Found?
Digital Mag Prototype Vid
The Eigenharp: kinda new musical instrument
Free wifi at McDonalds (US)
Coachella 2010 dates
Science Museum: Bay Area Nightspot
Scale 8x: Linux Expo LA
Age of Conan: unlimited free trial
Santa Exists! Proof at Pete’s Candy Store (NY)
Another Pop moment: London’s MiniViva vid
Facebook Settings
EMI in trouble again
A Water Carbonator for Linux Folk
Air France A380 Panoramas
New on (for RSS)
Podcast: Tearist
Classical Music: Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
Book: White Stripes
Book: Watchmen
Archives ... Books Classical Music Pop/Dance Music Podcasts