Tue, 03 Jul 2007
von Arnim, Solitary Summer
Elizabeth von Arnim, Solitary Summer
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This book is by a woman born in 1866 in Sydney,
Australia who later married a Prussian nobleman. After
a little time living in Berlin they moved to the
family estate near the Baltic sea.
This book recounts, not really a solitary summer, as
the full cast of family, servants, and villagers are
all there, but one without the usual coterie of
invited visitors. She takes us around her garden and
surrounds and gives us a wonderful snapshot of the
time. And in her summer wanderings she might help
modern summer vacationers to slow down and feel the
grass, smell the flowers, and generally establish a
little low-key voluptuousness.
von Arnhim died in 1941 in Charleston, South
Carolina. She wrote a number of books and was picked
up for reprinting by the feminist publishers, Virago.
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