Chapter 4
With so much knowledge about PDF available in the developer com-
munities, one wonders why Microsoft's support for PDF is so minimal.
"Microsoft is fighting to keep Office as the standard archival format for
documents," said Rob Helm, an analyst with Directions on Microsoft.
companies were to standardize on PDF, Office would become just one PDF
authoring tool among many. It's a very long-term potential threat, but Micro-
soft can afford to look several steps ahead."
And so should you. For a look into the future, see how easy it is to display
and print documents with Macs and Linux systems. They use PDF.
Becker, David. "What's behind Microsoft's Office moves?" CNET News.com. December 1,
2003. See http://news.zdnet.com/2100-3513_22-5111644.html.
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No Starch Press
© 2005 by Tony Bove