interview: Moocha

Moocha is a peformer who uses her voice and a selection of electronic and acoustic instruments to produce nice noises. She will be appearing at Bleepfest at the ICA in London on Oct 7 06.

Mstation: How did you get started with music?

Moocha: I used to always sing, I used to sing myself to sleep every night as a kid, I had a few lessons in piano and flute when I was a kid too but I gave it up cos I had boring teachers and hated reading music. having said that tho there was one music teacher at middle school called Mr Rednal! he was great, really encouraging, he instilled a lot of confidence in me musically.

Did anyone in particular provide inspiration to get up and do your own?

My mate fearnie really inspired me as he has such a great DIY approach to his music, he's sort of 'anything goes' and I had loads of fun making noise with him. He kind of showed me how to relax and get on with it without thinking too much.

What sort of equipment do you use?

I use a laptop with cubase to record and produce stuff, and use whatever else really, a guitar, piano, casio sk5, recorder, drums, bits and bobs of percussion, for live stuff I use a boss loop station pedal, sometimes with my laptop using Audio Mulch as a mixer for all the instruments which I then feed into my loop pedal I also use a midi keyboard to play harmonies etc from Kontact.

Do any instruments or sounds inspire you?

I like birds and leaves rustling in trees and twinkly sounds, I really like the screeching sound on the tube, it sometimes sounds like a deranged choir to me, loads of instruments inspire me, depends what people are doing with them I spose, I'm quite into toys and rubbish instruments that don't work very well, I like stuff with a bit of character and not too smooth.

What sort of gigs have you been playing?

The last gig I had was a a green party festival at this community in East Bergholt, I played on a little stage with a bicycle generator, it was really relaxed and sunny and all quite hippy really, I left out the laptop for that gig and just took my loop pedal, sk5 and guitar. other gigs I've been doing have mainly been in bars.

What would you like for the future?

I'd like to get a solo album out.... and sell 10 million copies, move to the mountains in switzerland and have extravagent parties every other weekend, get myself an awfull coke habbit and release a self indulgent prog rock opera! yeh man yeh!

Thanks a lot.

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