Fashion: Sophisticated and edgy from Julia and Ben Images and text
Fashion: Peggy Noland Kansas City does Bright and bold Images
The art of the messenger bag from Berlin Images and words
Fashion inspired by body armour from Vilsbol de Arce.
Street Art on canvas - a Copenhagen shop will sell you some. Images
Words are art too. Mikis Mazarakis muses on Love and Music
Ex Punk musician Robert Stone from LA designs interesting buildings Interview and images
Figurative drawings from Chile Interview and images
An Indy Comics magazine in the Netherlands Interviews and pictures
Dawid Gajewski combines architectural elements and women to create a statement. Pictures and Text
Brooklyn, NY, performance collective The Fabulous Nobodies use art and music to entertain and shock. Booklet excerpt
Katja Wiedemann makes all kinds of tiles, wallpapers, and materials. Images and text
Alexandra Groover presents her first fashion collection and tells us about it. Images and text
The art of playgrounds Images and text
Large, colourful, soft sculptures from Helle Mardahl Images and text
The art of low-maintenance plants Report and images
Verena Lehmbrock goes to Bleepfest Berlin Images
Buildings of Tomorrow Pictures and commentary
The art of the VJ book excerpt
Karen Marcello went from Xerox Parc to Burning Man Profile
Devo's Mark Mothersbaugh has been drawing for years. Pictures, Podcast
Design classics from Phaidon. Report
We look at tiny clever little houses from Austria. Report
Hoppy Hopkins was a photographer for Melody Maker back in the 70's and captured the likes of the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. Podcast and Pictures
Dominic Elvin makes science-inspired sculptures and body ornaments. Interview and Pictures
Peter Layton's piece with lit and felt-covered glass in a cage. Picture
Animation frames from Tokyo-based Groovisions Pictures
Ulyana Gumeniuk studied art in St. Petersberg and London. She is mostly known for allegorical studies of people. Pictures
Art in programming? It's actually an article at O'Reilly's by Mstation's editor featuring Richard Stallman, Guido van Rossum, Bjarne Strostrup, Paul Graham, Andy Hunt, Linux Audio's Erik de Castro Lopo and ... Albert Einstein.Article
The Chair Godess told us chairs could be art. Here's one for fans of a certain computer maker. Report and pictures
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