Queenadreena / Crispin

tiny QueenA piccyQueenadreena had a killer single out a few months ago called Pretty Like Drugs which came off the CD Drink Me. Probably a little too heavy for the average punter, what they do is a very nice antidote to prepackaged monotony.

As the French said "...emplis d'un rock abrasif, gothique et theatral. Ames sensibles s'abstenir!"

Recently they've been touring and the questions below travelled around with them in the tour manager's bag. Now the're having a break and Crispin caught up with the questions ...

recently in berwick street, soho, i saw you in the gothic bin and i thought "hmmm". what do you think?

not much really. its a trival matter. i don't really care what bin they throw us in to.

i like the art in your stuff. does the word art scare you? piss you off?

most certainly doesn't scare me - or piss me off. 'art' is a bit like the word 'god' everyone has their own idea about what it is or if it exists at all. for me, what i consider art, is my main reason for living - i love it.

in the songwriting line do you feel you're speaking to any particular group of people?

no - not at all. for myself i don't feel i know any group of people well enough to speak to them in terms that would address what makes them a group in the first place.

who were / are your influences?

musically - the electric distorted guitar. melody and rhythm.

you're on quite a busy tour in the uk at the moment. how's it going (did it go)? what's up next?

i felt there was something exciting happening at every gig. next is to try and create a new album.

you're got some fan websites in the us and japan. any plans to go to these places?

i feel in this band its best to have no specific plans, but instead live it day to day. flexibility and perserverance have allowed us to stay alive.

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