music: Worldtronics09

Worldtronics09: electronic music from around with, perhaps, the idea of escaping Gothic gloom. Concerts in the big room upstairs; small labels and others downstairs plus a couple of playing areas. In Berlin at the House of World Cultures.

'selling unknown artists is very, very hard at the moment.' Label owner

'Berlin is very conservative. The early nineties were the time to be here. .. minimal techno in the clubs now - hardly any innovative electro. The best venues used to be in the squats and they are being progressively shut down and there are few left.' Musician and equipment maker

'I was really pissed off. Two of my favorite slightly out there bands are touring Germany and not even bothering to come to Berlin. I think Berlin is more a place for visual arts right now.' A Tourist

'Worldtronics is a nice event with a happy attitude and vibe - some interesting music as well!' A Visitor

'Bleepfest is a very fine indy-electronica event. Two days over Easter. More info here.' !

a bunch of oscillators... boxes made from recycled materials with little speakers mounted in them. Triggered by light pulses - boom, boom, boom, boom - dangers of pure square waves and oscillators going into chaotic mode - needs limiters to save amps and speakers.

some original DJing from Marcus with slowly developing textures and beats... then some beats ... then soul singing over funk with knob tweaks.

Das Drehmoment going away from retro dance and into longer, more 'art' pieces with nice textures and such.

Missed Analog Girl - didn't know she was playing on Friday ... or that anyone was playing.

small trade section but everyone very friendly - seems like an extended family gathering.

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House of World Cultures like an island with nothing around but nice walk along the river from Hauptbahnhof.

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